"what is internet" -You are on it now. 30 years ago, it did not exist for most of us. But today many of us cannot live without it. Of course, I am talking about the Internet. There are about 4 billion Internet users in the world — more than half of all humans, but where is all this powerful, God-like location really located?
When you enter a specific domain name in your browser, such as auryne.blogspot.com or google.com, your browser finds the location of the server that holds the files for that website and its specific IP address. is. An IP is simply an agreed-upon digital addressing strategy, or Internet protocol, consisting of a series of numbers, separated by periods.
Each URL (or website address) has a unique IP address. When your browser accesses these website files, it translates them into text, photos, videos, and formatting that you can view on your computer using a language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
The actual content of the Internet resides in around 75 million servers located across the world by 2018. These servers are usually located in data centers such as these (showing a picture of a Google data center) .. In faceless buildings that you might not know you passed it.
And who controls the World Wide Web well, no one officially controls it, but the defacto rulers of the web are Microsoft, Google, Apple and Mozilla - the creators of the most popular web browsers.
5 billion devices use the Internet. Shocking, do you know that the Internet weighs. Before I reveal the weight of the internet, if you like this post, then share, comment, and follow me,
I would love to hear from you. Google estimates that the total memory capacity of the Internet is 5 million terabytes of information (show number in bytes 9). This is 5 million, trillion bytes of information. The Internet is home to the Globe, on a small planet called Earth.
The Internet contains nothing but digital bits The total memory capacity of the Internet is 5 million terabytes of information (show number in bytes). This is 5 million, trillion bytes of information. The Internet is home to the Globe, on a small planet called Earth.
The Internet consists of nothing but digital bits of electrical off-pulses. And if you weigh these trillions of billions of trillion data and the electrons that carry them, it would be about one ounce - 0.2 million ounces per ounce - about the weight of one grain of sand.
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